Yoga, a practice known for its inclusivity, welcomes practitioners of all ages and regardless of whether you are a youngster of 5 or an elder of 60, the realm of Yoga embraces you hence, experts recommend that it is never too late or too early to embark on a Yoga journey, as every journey begins with a single step. In the realm of perpetual beginners, where we all find ourselves at some point, Yoga offers an open door.
In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Founder of Akshar Yoga Kendraa, shared, “The advantages of Yoga are diverse, ranging from weight management to vibrant skin, enhanced immunity, mindfulness and beyond. It caters to various needs, from bolstering physical strength and flexibility to nurturing mental clarity. Regardless of your fitness level, Yoga serves as a splendid starting point. Here, we introduce five uncomplicated yet foundational asanas to launch your Yoga journey to better joint mobility and health. These poses are particularly gentle on the joints, rendering them accessible to practitioners at every level.”
He suggested the following 5 Yoga asanas to support healthy joint flexibility and mobility:
1. Sukhasana – The Happy Pose
· Position yourself upright, extending both legs into Dandasana.
· Fold your left leg and nestle it within your right thigh.
· Mirror the action with your right leg and tuck it into your left thigh.
· Palms rest gently on your knees, maintaining an erect, aligned spine.
2. Padahasthasana – Hand Under Foot Pose
· Start from Samasthithi, standing tall.
· Exhale as you hinge your upper body forward from the hips, allowing your nose to approach your knees.
· Place your palms on either side of your feet.
· Beginners may slightly bend their knees; with practice, work toward straightening them, trying to connect chest to thighs.
3. Vajrasana – Thunderbolt Pose
· Stand upright with arms relaxed by your sides.
· Gradually lower your knees to the mat, leaning forward.
· Sit on your heels with toes pointing outward and thighs pressing against calf muscles.
· Heels should be adjacent, not stacked.
· Palms rest on upturned knees, back straight and gaze forward.
4. Naukasana – Boat Pose
· Begin supine.
· Elevate your upper body 45° above the floor.
· Shift weight onto your hips, lifting legs 45° aloft.
· Align toes with eye level, aiming to keep knees unbent.
· Arms extend parallel to the floor, pointing forward.
· Tighten your abdominal muscles and straighten your back.
5. Vrikshasana – Tree Pose
· Initiate from Samasthithi.
· Elevate your right leg while balancing on your left.
· Position your right foot against your inner left thigh, snug to the groin.
· Palms can assist in securing the foot’s placement.
· Attain equilibrium and bring hands together in Pranam Mudra at the heart chakra.
· Extend Pranam skyward, arms straight, head cradled within the arms.
· Alternate with the opposite leg, holding for eight to ten breaths.
Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar concluded, “Yoga’s realm encompasses not only the body but also the mind and spirit. Its vastness encompasses chanting, pranayama, meditation, mudras and of course, asanas. Tailor your practice to your body’s capabilities, allowing Yoga to foster physical well-being while cultivating positivity, serenity and mental lucidity. As you embark on this transformative journey, remember that Yoga celebrates every step you take towards harmony and self-discovery.”