Mumbai dust storm: 5 tips to stay safe in the rash weather conditions

Updated On May 13, 2024 07:22 PM IST

  • From staying indoors to avoiding vigorous exercise, here are a few ways to stay safe during a dust storm.


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Updated on May 13, 2024 07:22 PM IST

On Monday afternoon, dust storm and heavy rainfall lashed several parts of Mumbai and the adjacent areas. Gusty winds and storms accompanied by thunder and dust disrupted airport services, train and metro services. Dust storms can be extremely difficult for people outdoors. They decrease visibility, can disturb eyesight and affect eye health. Exposure to a dust storm can also cause asthma attacks, allergic reactions and heart problems. Here are a few tips to stay safe in a dust storm.(Unsplash)


If you are indoors, it is advised not to step outside at all. Instead, we should close the doors and the windows to stop the dust from coming inside the house. (Unsplash)
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Updated on May 13, 2024 07:22 PM IST

If you are indoors, it is advised not to step outside at all. Instead, we should close the doors and the windows to stop the dust from coming inside the house. (Unsplash)


If possible, it is advised to stay in an air-conditioned room and set the AC to recirculate the indoor air. (Unsplash)
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Updated on May 13, 2024 07:22 PM IST

If possible, it is advised to stay in an air-conditioned room and set the AC to recirculate the indoor air. (Unsplash)


In case we need to step outside for an emergency, we should cover our nose and mouth with a damp cloth and use glasses to protect the eyes. (Unsplash)
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Updated on May 13, 2024 07:22 PM IST

In case we need to step outside for an emergency, we should cover our nose and mouth with a damp cloth and use glasses to protect the eyes. (Unsplash)


Dust in the throat and nose can cause breathing trouble. It is recommended to avoid vigorous exercise during that time. (Unsplash)
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Updated on May 13, 2024 07:22 PM IST

Dust in the throat and nose can cause breathing trouble. It is recommended to avoid vigorous exercise during that time. (Unsplash)


In case you are caught inside a dust storm while driving, you should slow down and pull over. We should try to avoid trees while parking. (Unsplash)
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Updated on May 13, 2024 07:22 PM IST

In case you are caught inside a dust storm while driving, you should slow down and pull over. We should try to avoid trees while parking. (Unsplash)

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