How to eat right and live right to support your sex hormones | Health

Hormones help us to keep the body working in good condition. Sex hormones are steroid hormones that include androgens, estrogens, and progestogens. It is important to watch our diet and life a good and healthy lifestyle to support the sex hormones. “Hormones are like a symphony, with each one acting as a specialized instrument to keep our bodies in tune. But as we age, those instruments start to get a little rusty. Small changes over time create a variety of imbalances until, one day, we wake up realizing we’re flat and out of tune. This leads to things like menopausal symptoms in women, hair loss and belly fat in men, thyroid dysfunction, bone loss, and so much more. That’s why it’s never too early or too late to start optimising hormonal balance,” wrote Physician Mark Hyman. The expert further shared a few tips that we should follow to support our sex hormones.

How to eat right and live right to support your sex hormones(Unsplash)

Plant-rich diet: One of the primary things that help in balancing the sex hormones of the body is the food we eat and the diet we follow. A plant-rich diet, loaded with protein and healthy fats can help in balancing hormones. We should eliminate gluten and dairy from the diet.

Supplement smartly: Fish oil with Vitamin D and Vitamin B help in balancing estrogen. Probiotics, antioxidants, green tea and anti-inflammatory omega-6 fat GLA can help in balancing the sex hormones.

Exercise regularly: In most cases women face PMS issues. When we exercise and incorporate a healthy workout routine, we can avoid PMS. Be it running, swimming or weight training, we should incorporate a workout that we love.

Reduce stress: Chronic stress can lead to imbalance in the hormones. The key to a stress-free life is finding ways to vent our difficult emotions. Be it meditation, yoga or a creative outlet, we should do something that we love.

Sleep well: Getting eight hours of healthy and uninterrupted sleep helps in balancing the hormones. Disturbed sleep can impact PMS, menopause and other conditions adversely.

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