Heart health: What should you do when you experience pain or symptoms of a cardiac arrest?

Published on Dec 14, 2023 03:32 PM IST

Here’s what to do when you experience pain or symptoms of a cardiac arrest or someone near you suffers signs of a heart attack


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Published on Dec 14, 2023 03:32 PM IST

Chest pain and symptoms of a cardiac arrest are severe medical emergencies that require immediate attention. In an interview with Zarafshan Shiraz of HT Lifestyle, Dr Nithin Prakash, Clinical Cardiologist at Altius Hospital, suggested the following tips on what should you do when you experience pain or symptoms of a cardiac arrest – (Shutterstock)


The most critical step is to call for professional medical help without delay. Avoid trying to drive yourself to the hospital as emergency medical personnel have the necessary equipment and skills to provide the care needed. (REPRESENTATIVE PHOTO)
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Published on Dec 14, 2023 03:32 PM IST

The most critical step is to call for professional medical help without delay. Avoid trying to drive yourself to the hospital as emergency medical personnel have the necessary equipment and skills to provide the care needed. (REPRESENTATIVE PHOTO)


2. If you are experiencing chest pain, sit down and try to stay calm. Stress and panic can worsen the situation. If you have been prescribed medication for chest pain or a heart condition, take it as directed by your doctor. (Freepik)
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Published on Dec 14, 2023 03:32 PM IST

2. If you are experiencing chest pain, sit down and try to stay calm. Stress and panic can worsen the situation. If you have been prescribed medication for chest pain or a heart condition, take it as directed by your doctor. (Freepik)


3. If the person loses consciousness and has irregular or no breathing, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if you are trained to do so. If you are not trained in CPR, the healthcare professional on the phone can guide you through the process. (Shutterstock)
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Published on Dec 14, 2023 03:32 PM IST

3. If the person loses consciousness and has irregular or no breathing, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if you are trained to do so. If you are not trained in CPR, the healthcare professional on the phone can guide you through the process. (Shutterstock)


4. If an automated external defibrillator (AED) is available, use it as directed. AEDs are designed to analyze heart rhythms and deliver electric shocks if needed to restore a normal heartbeat. While waiting for emergency personnel to arrive, avoid strenuous physical activity. (Freepik)
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Published on Dec 14, 2023 03:32 PM IST

4. If an automated external defibrillator (AED) is available, use it as directed. AEDs are designed to analyze heart rhythms and deliver electric shocks if needed to restore a normal heartbeat. While waiting for emergency personnel to arrive, avoid strenuous physical activity. (Freepik)


5. It's important to remember that not all chest pain indicates a heart attack or cardiac arrest. It can also be caused by other medical conditions or factors like muscle strain, anxiety, or indigestion. Nevertheless, chest pain should never be taken lightly, and it is always better to seek immediate medical attention. Early intervention significantly improves the chances of survival and minimizes damage in heart-related emergencies.(Image by InspiredImages from Pixabay )
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Published on Dec 14, 2023 03:32 PM IST

5. It’s important to remember that not all chest pain indicates a heart attack or cardiac arrest. It can also be caused by other medical conditions or factors like muscle strain, anxiety, or indigestion. Nevertheless, chest pain should never be taken lightly, and it is always better to seek immediate medical attention. Early intervention significantly improves the chances of survival and minimizes damage in heart-related emergencies.(Image by InspiredImages from Pixabay )

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