7 health benefits of eating peanuts in winter season

Published on Nov 23, 2023 02:43 PM IST

  • From healthy skin to brain health, there are many benefits of snacking on moong fali or peanut this winter season.

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Published on Nov 23, 2023 02:43 PM IST

A protein powerhouse and a cruncy snack, peanuts are in high demand during winter season. A perfect way to satiate your hunger pangs, peanuts are also loaded with amazing nutrients. Nutritionist Lovneet Batra talks about health benefits of the humble peanuts.

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Protein storehouse: Peanuts contain all the 20 amino acids in variable proportions and is the biggest source of the protein called 'arginine'. (pixabay)
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Published on Nov 23, 2023 02:43 PM IST

Protein storehouse: Peanuts contain all the 20 amino acids in variable proportions and is the biggest source of the protein called ‘arginine’. (pixabay)

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Hunger maintenance: The type of healthy monounsaturated fat in peanuts may stimulate a hormone that helps to feel satisfied after consumption. (Pixabay)
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Published on Nov 23, 2023 02:43 PM IST

Hunger maintenance: The type of healthy monounsaturated fat in peanuts may stimulate a hormone that helps to feel satisfied after consumption. (Pixabay)

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Healthy skin: Being rich in vitamin B3, and niacin, peanuts promote wrinkle-free skin, and keep all kinds of skin diseases at bay. It also helps in reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmented spots. (Unsplash)
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Published on Nov 23, 2023 02:43 PM IST

Healthy skin: Being rich in vitamin B3, and niacin, peanuts promote wrinkle-free skin, and keep all kinds of skin diseases at bay. It also helps in reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmented spots. (Unsplash)

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Protection against cancer: The phytosterols in peanuts have been reported to reduce prostate tumour growth by over 40% and cut the occurrences of cancer spreading to other parts of the body by almost 50%. Like phytosterols, resveratrol has also been shown to cut off the blood supply to growing cancers and to inhibit cancer cell growth. (Shutterstock)
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Published on Nov 23, 2023 02:43 PM IST

Protection against cancer: The phytosterols in peanuts have been reported to reduce prostate tumour growth by over 40% and cut the occurrences of cancer spreading to other parts of the body by almost 50%. Like phytosterols, resveratrol has also been shown to cut off the blood supply to growing cancers and to inhibit cancer cell growth. (Shutterstock)

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Kids health: Peanuts are abundant in high-quality protein, which supports muscle, promotes recovery after physical activity, and improves physical development. (Freepik)
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Published on Nov 23, 2023 02:43 PM IST

Kids health: Peanuts are abundant in high-quality protein, which supports muscle, promotes recovery after physical activity, and improves physical development. (Freepik)

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Prevents cognitive decline: Peanuts are high in niacin, resveratrol and vitamin E, which are influential in protecting against Alzheimer's and age-related cognitive decline. (Unsplash)
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Published on Nov 23, 2023 02:43 PM IST

Prevents cognitive decline: Peanuts are high in niacin, resveratrol and vitamin E, which are influential in protecting against Alzheimer’s and age-related cognitive decline. (Unsplash)

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Helpful in pregnancy: Folate is an important nutrient, especially during pregnancy since it reduces the risk of neural tube defects and Peanuts are a good source of folate. 
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Published on Nov 23, 2023 02:43 PM IST

Helpful in pregnancy: Folate is an important nutrient, especially during pregnancy since it reduces the risk of neural tube defects and Peanuts are a good source of folate. 


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