Top 4 Methods of Facial Verification: Secret Keys to Eliminate the Fraudster Activities

Facial verification allows identification of the face of an individual by using AI-based digital technology. AI technology compares the geometrical structures between the ID card and selfie to identify whether the person is the same as per face in the database or not. Face verification allows any company or business to successfully onboard customers while mitigating spoof attacks and fraudulent activities. It has contributed to identity verification effectively. Companies’ budget has been extended for ID verification, from 2017 to 2027, companies’ expenditures regarding identity verifications would reach up to 13 billion USD. The reason is that advanced AI tools that work on advanced algorithms are used to ensure the clients’ validity for the success of a business or company.  

What is Selfie Verification?

Selfie verification is used to authenticate customers during the onboarding process to meet KYC measures. It aims to safeguard companies regarding their business to eliminate all the risks of fraud and any mishap regarding their credentials. This method utilizes biometrics and it mainly involves KYC onboarding processes. Here users have to upload a selfie either from their smartphones, tablets, or computers. This image is further processed by AI tools to ensure authenticity and successful verification.

Most of the time, this identification is used by companies to have an extra defense zone against fraudsters. Selfie verification can be done in two ways, whenever a user captures and uploads an image at the moment of verification is a real real-time selfie. On the other hand, users also use to select and upload previously captured selfies for verification. Selfie verification involves AI technology to capture and save the geometrical structure of each individual. 

How is Biometric Verification used for Face Verification?

Biometric verification involves the evaluation and identification of individual biological traits, which can be either fingerprints, retina patterns, voice prints, written signatures, hand and earlobe geometries, etc. Every person has these unique biological traits, so it is very easy to identify someone’s identity via his or her unique attributes which can never be similar to others. 

Initially, a copy of any unique trait is obtained by using certain methods, and it is stored in the database to be compared for the next time whenever there is a need for ID verification. With the help of this biometric verification, companies and businesses have made themselves safe against security risks. This system can be used in all sorts of settings like financial institutions, healthcare sectors, forensics, and all sorts of business industries to track people’s identity and authenticity.

How does Face Recognition Online Help to Eliminate Fraud?

Many companies have employed face recognition online to allow their clients to upload their images or IDs while sitting at home and get themselves verified. When an image is uploaded online, it is further processed with  AI-based computer technology, which gives accurate results in face recognition. It mainly uses ML (machine learning) and ANN (artificial neural network technology). It uses facial expressions to determine gender, age, and emotions by focusing on images or videos.  

Face Liveness Verification: Face Verification

Face liveness verification requires the physical presence of any individual. In liveness detection, advanced algorithms and machine learning models are used to analyze the live captured image. These algorithms indicate the sample authenticity by verifying specific patterns and features in any image. 

Liveness analyzes images and video in different ways, for each image, an individual presents a biometric sample in front of the camera, this image is processed and its features are extracted. These features are used by AI and ML models to identify the authenticity of the sample with the help of trained data. 

It allows the processing of only genuine images.

What is KYC Face Verification?

KYC face verification is an ideal approach to having authentic clients onboard. KYC works together with AML tools. Many businesses and companies are using KYC face verification methods to ensure that their clients and customers have legal and authentic identities. It eliminates the security risks and builds trust between the organization and its clients. KYC face verification provides a safety layer against fraud and illegal activities regarding identity theft.


Face verification successfully provides a safe and trustworthy business environment. In facial verification, users submit their IDs via picture, selfie, video, or live capture, which is detected within seconds, and results are stored as proof in the back end.  It has reduced the risks of facial spoofing, identity theft, and impersonation as it uses advanced machine learning algorithms and AI-powered models that provide highly accurate results. Face verification can be done in various effective ways, it can be done by using biometric traits, it can be done online as well as with live image capture. Face verification is very important in KYC methods, particularly for successful onboarding companies and businesses.

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