Parents accuse teacher of harassing student for beef-eating, religious practices-

Pic: EdexLive

On Tuesday, November 21, a parent of a Class VII girl student lodged a petition with the Coimbatore Chief Educational Officer, alleging that a teacher and the headmistress of Ashokapuram Government High School had criticised their food habits, particularly their consumption of beef, and had targeted their religion, reports The New Indian Express. The complaint, in a petition copy, detailed the parents’ claims that a female graduate teacher displayed a bias against students wearing hijabs, subjecting them to indirect mistreatment over the past few months.

“Two months ago, the teacher asked parent’s occupation, and my children said that they run a beef meat shop,” they said in a complaint.

“Two weeks ago, a teacher beat my children by criticising eating beef and she suffered mentally and physically,” the petition added. Despite this issue being taken to the headmistress, she supported the teacher and threatened us as we belonged to a particular religion, they alleged in a copy

According to the report, alleging a lack of action by the headmistress, the parents took their concerns to the chief educational officer, seeking redress. When contacted by TNIE, school headmistress Rajeshwari declined to comment on the matter. Chief Educational Officer R Balamurali told TNIE that he had received the complaint from the parent and he said that he would inquire about this matter and necessary steps would be taken on this matter. 


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