YouTube’s best cricket video channel Robelinda2’s account terminated, fan hacks website responsible for copyright strike

The Cricket fans expressed their displeasure as the video-streaming platform YouTube decided to terminate one of the most-loved channels Robelinda2. The YouTube channel run by Rob Moody has been active for 14 years and is termed the biggest archive of cricket on the internet. The video-streaming giant decided to take down the channel after receiving multiple copyright infringement complaints.

“Robelinda2 YouTube channel has been officially terminated. 14 years of fun it was! Thanks for watching!,” Rob Moody posted on a official X account.

The development came after Rob Moody recently shared information about receiving threats from an account named @MarhabaCricketIndia, which warned him of the copyright strikes for using their “legitimate and exclusive digital rights” in Bangladesh.

Robelinda2 is one of the most viewed cricket channels on YouTube, with every video accumulating millions of views. The cricket fans were not happy with YouTube for terminating the channel and one fan even went a little overboard as he claimed to have hacked the website of the company that sent the copyright strikes on Robelinda2’s channel.

“A passionate @robelinda2 fan has hacked the website of the company responsible for getting his cricket YouTube channel shut down due to copyright, demanding they retract their strikes to get the website released, this is the sort of cyber terrorism I can get around,” a user posted on X.

The termination of Robelinda2’s channel was not taken well by cricket fans on social media who expressed their anger on broadcasters and YouTube. “Utterly ridiculous from the whining broadcasters. It’s not as if they make all this material easily and readily available, and it’s not like most has any genuine commercial value so far on from its original airing,” one user said.

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