Shah Rukh Khan has spoken about Rishabh Pant, the captain of Delhi Capitals (DC). Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR), owned by Khan, secured a comfortable victory in the IPL clash against DC on April 29. During the KKR vs DC match at the Eden Gardens, Star Sports released a video on social media. In the video, King Khan is seen speaking about the DC captain.
“I was horrified. I saw that car video. It was horrifying. Because we didn’t immediately know the outcome of that accident,” Shah Rukh, in the video, is seen speaking about Rishabh Pant’s December 2022 car crash.
“You get the worst feeling. To me, boys of this age are like my own son. I have a few like those in my team. I hope they’re not hurt. When a sportsman gets hurt, it’s double jeopardy. It’s worse than you or I getting injured,” SRK says in the video.
“Rishabh is a winner. I wish him all the best. I’m happy that he’s back and he’s playing well. I hope he keeps playing well,” Khan adds.
Rishabh Pant’s accident and recovery
On December 30, 2022, Rishabh Pant met with a car accident near Roorkee that crashed the vehicle. Shortly before it caught fire, the young cricketer managed to move out of the car with the help of local residents.
While Pant managed to get out alive, his cricket career seems to be in jeopardy as one of his knees got reportedly twisted by 90 degrees. It happened during his rescue as his leg needed to be straightened in order to get him out of the vehicle.
Many consider it no short of a miracle that Pant, after 15 months of his accident, was declared fit by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI). Then, he started playing in the IPL 2024. While captaining DC, he has made 398 runs in 11 matches and is the highest run-scorer for his team.
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Published: 30 Apr 2024, 12:48 PM IST