Satya Nadella’s reaction as Sam Altman returns to OpenAI

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella welcomed Sam Altman’s decision to go back to OpenAI which fired him a few days ago and said he talked with Sam over the issue. “Sam, Greg, and I have talked and agreed they have a key role to play along with the OAI leadership team in ensuring OAI continues to thrive and build on its mission. We look forward to building on our strong partnership and delivering the value of this next generation of AI to our customers and partners,” Satya Nadella wrote minutes after Sam Altman announced his decision on X, on Wednesday.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said he talked with Sam Altman over his return to OpenAI.(AFP)

After OpenAI fired Sam Altman in a surprise move on Friday, Microsoft hired Sam Altman and Greg Brockman, OpenAI co-founders, to head a new advanced AI research team.

“I love openai, and everything i’ve done over the past few days has been in service of keeping this team and its mission together. when i decided to join msft on sun evening, it was clear that was the best path for me and the team. with the new board and w satya’s support, i’m looking forward to returning to openai, and building on our strong partnership with msft,” Sam Altman posted soon after OpenAI confirmed Sam Altman’s return through an agreement-in-principle.

“We have reached an agreement in principle for Sam Altman to return to OpenAI as CEO with a new initial board of Bret Taylor (Chair), Larry Summers, and Adam D’Angelo. We are collaborating to figure out the details. Thank you so much for your patience through this,” OpenAI tweeted.

Greg Brockman confirmed on X that he would also be returning to OpenAI and would be getting back to coding tonight itself – an update that OpenAI could not but “love-reacted”.

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