Professor sits on fast over delay in action-

A professor from Jadavpur University, on Thursday, November 23, sat on a fast over “inordinate delay” by the varsity in taking steps against those allegedly involved in the ragging of a student who died hours later after falling from a hostel balcony over three months ago.

As per a report by PTI, Professor Iman Kalyan Lahiri of the international relations department said he began the stir because JU authorities failed to act against those accused of ragging despite a series of meetings of the anti-ragging committee and the anti-ragging squad of the university.

The varsity’s decision to withhold admissions to PhD in Arts was the other reason for the stir, he added.

When asked if the fast will be just for a day, Lahiri said, “It will depend. I haven’t decided on this yet.”

Offering moral support to Lahiri, who has been vocal against the ragging menace, the Jadavpur University Teachers’ Association (JUTA) said its members will extend support.

JUTA General Secretary Partha Pratim Roy said, “We will submit a proposal at the executive committee meeting to address both the demands raised by Lahiri.”

In a letter to Sau on Wednesday, November 22, JUTA had voiced concern over the “inordinate delay in imposing punishment” on the students who were allegedly involved in ragging.

“We note with deep concern that disciplinary action against the convicted persons in the death of a first-year student has not yet been taken in spite of a series of meetings of the anti-ragging committee and anti-ragging squad of the university,” the letter by JUTA said.

The anti-ragging squad of JU in its report submitted to the university two months ago had suggested expelling 35 senior students residing in the varsity hostel where the UG student died.

After being asked by Registrar Snehamanju Basu to withdraw the stir, Lahiri said that he will not sit quiet till definite steps are taken to address his demands. He also demanded an audience with Officiating Vice-Chancellor Buddhadeb Sau.

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