NMC issues clarifications for Foreign Medical Graduates (FMGs) from Ukraine, Philippines-

In response to a surge in grievances on various issues from Foreign Medical Graduates (FMGs), particularly students from Ukraine and the Philippines, the National Medical Commission (NMC) has released a comprehensive clarification through a public notice today, November 22. Addressing the issues faced by FMGs, the notice provides detailed clarifications on the way forward.

FMGs from Ukraine

For FMGs from Ukraine who completed their medical courses offline, the NMC requires them to obtain provisional registration from the State Medical Council and undergo a one-year Clinical Rotatory Internship (CRMI). Stipends for these students will be on par with Indian Medical Graduates.

For those who faced interruptions, such as due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the NMC outlines specific pathways. Those with a break in their final year will undergo a one-year clinical clerkship in India, while those with a break in the penultimate year will need a two-year clinical clerkship.

A noteworthy provision allows FMGs from Ukraine to continue their studies in a different country under the Academic Mobility Program, offering a one-time opportunity to complete their remaining medical course.

“The Degree may however be awarded by the University to where they shall migrate. This option of transfer/migration/mobility shall be availed within 3 months from the date of issue of this public notice,” states the notice. 

FMGs from the Philippines

In a notable move, the NMC de-recognises the BS Course in the Philippines from November 18, 2021. However, FMGs enrolled in the MD Course on or before this date can complete their studies, take the FMG Examination (FMGE) in India, and undergo a one-year internship to address training deficiencies.

The notice clarifies, “The decision to insist on an additional years of clerkship is because these students lack proper planned training and practical clinical exposure for a longer period, in the best interest of citizens of the country.

Eligibility Certificates and exemptions

Addressing the broader issue of eligibility certificates, the NMC acknowledges the challenges faced by Indian citizens and Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) who pursued pre-medical education abroad. The exemption granted on a one-time basis, particularly for those leaving Indian shores in the academic years 2018-19 and 2019-20, allows for a smoother application process.

Time limit to qualify for FMG Examination

To ensure the continued relevance of skills, the NMC imposes a 10-year time limit for FMGs to appear in the FMG Examination/NExT from the completion of their training/course in a foreign medical institution.

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