Minor girl allegedly raped; discovered with a slit throat-

Picture Courtesy: TNIE

A minor girl in Odisha’s capital city was found dead, with her throat slit, in a slum under Airfield police station. The possibility of a sexual assault was not ruled out by the police.

As per reports by The New Indian Express, the child’s body was found in the neighbour’s house, while the neighbour in question, is alleged to have absconded.

The incident took place about 6 pm in Kela Basti in Bhubaneswar.

It is suspected that the five-year-old girl may have been lured into the accused’s house as the parents of the child say that she was often offered chocolates by the neighbour in question.

After the child went missing on November 6, Monday, her parents launched a frantic search. When they went to the neighbour’s house, the girl was found in a pool of blood with cuts on her neck. She was rushed to a hospital but was declared dead.

The police told The New Indian Express that the body was sent for postmortem. ACP (Assistant Commissioner of Police) Girija Chakrabarty said that it can only be ascertained if it was a sexual assault after the autopsy results are received.

Reportedly, the child’s parents are daily wage earners while the accused is a labourer too. It has also been found out by the police that the suspect was an alcohol addict which might have led him to commit this gruesome act.

Chakrabarty said a case of murder has been lodged and police teams have launched a manhunt for the suspect.


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