BHU students rally to oppose boundary wall between IIT BHU, BHU-

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Students of the Banaras Hindu University (BHU) today, Monday, November 6, carried out a rally to show their disapproval regarding the separation of the campuses with the erection of a boundary wall, between BHU and IIT-BHU (Indian Institute of Technology – Banaras Hindu University).

According to information accrued by EdexLive, the students rallied against it from Vishwanath Temple, to Malviya Bhawan located inside the BHU campus. They demanded that the Director of IIT-BHU and the Vice-Chancellor of BHU offer a letter of apology to the students of the institute and give an assurance to the BHU students that there will be no such implementation and the proposed plan of the wall formation will be dismissed keeping in mind the idea of one and undivided campus.

While the IIT-BHU students remarked on the rally being nothing but a political stunt to amass sympathy, where the issue of safety is being sidelined and dominated by other non-concerning issues.

Where did this begin?
The molestation of a woman, on Wednesday, November 1, by goons at IIT-BHU  had prompted this debate whether to keep the campus space open or finally demarcate spaces for both the institutions. The student was allegedly stripped by the accused, and recorded a video of the act as per PTI.

Based on the complaint lodged by the woman, an FIR (First Information Report) has been registered under section 354 (assault or criminal force to a woman with intent to outrage her modesty) of the Indian Penal Code and provisions of the Information Technology Act at the Lanka police station, police said.

According to PTI, hundreds of BHU students also held a protest on Thursday, November 2, to seek justice for the female student.


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